2018 CPC Climbing Events in Review

It was a busy year for climbing in the Cascade Pacific Council. The Committee supported a number of Council and Unit events throughout the year, including the annual instructor training and beginning climbing training in April. A selection of the events that we supported this year is as follows: 

  • February SuperWeekend​ @ Meriwether tower
  • OA Rendezvous @ Meriwether tower
  • April SuperWeeekend @ Meriwether tower
  • Troop 351 Weekend @ Meriwether tower
  • Instructor Training in April @ Oregon City and HorseThief Butte, WA
  • Sunset Trail Camporee in May @ Meriwether tower. 
  • June: Troop 664 climbing @Gladys’ Ranch. ~15 youth, 5 adults
  • August: Troop 547 at Skinner’s Butte for their first week of summer camp. 9 youth, 3 adults
  • September: Troop 531 climbing @ HorseThief. ~20 youth, 5 adults
  • October SuperWeekend @Meriwether tower
  • October: Joint event with LDS youth and Troop 728 @HorseThief Butte. ~30+ youth and adults.
  • December: Presentation to Troop 225 on Climb on Safely and how to go climbing in CPC  

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